Benefits of Art Education

  There is no doubt that the arts are fun for kids. Diving into those finger paints and a making a beautiful picture to hang on the fridge is awsome.Acting in a play is exhilarating .But the arts also help kids develop on many fundamental levels.

Here are the top ten ways that the arts helps kids learn and develop important characterstics they will need as adults: 

1. CREATIVITY - This may seem like a no-brainer,but the arts allow kids to express themselves better than math or science. if children have practice thinking creatively,it will come naturally to them now and in their future career.

2. IMPROVED ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE- The arts don`t just develop a child`s creativity-the skills they learn because of them spill over into academic achievement.

3. MOTOR SKILLS - This applies mostly to younger kids who do art or play an instrument.Simple things like holding a paintbrush and scribbling with a crayon are an important element to developing a chid`s fine motor skills

4.CONFIDENCE-  While mastering a subject certainly builds a student`s confidence , there is something special about participating in the arts.Getting up on a stage an singing gives kid`s a chance to step outside their comfort zone.As they improve and see their own progress,their self-confidence will continue to grow.

5. VISUAL LEARNING- Especially or young kids,drawing ,painting, and sculpting in art classes help develop visual-spatial skills.

6.DECISION MAKING - The arts strenghten problem solving and critical thinking skills.

7.PERSEVERANCE- I know from personal exprience that the arts can be challenging.When i was trying to learn and master the clarinet,there were many times when i become so frustrated that i wanted to quit.But i don`t . Afterpracticing hard , I learned that hard work and preseverance pay off.

8.FOCUS- As you presevere through painting or singing or learning a part in a play ,focus is imprerative. And certainly focus is vital for studying and learning in class as well doing a job later in life.

9.COLLABORATION- Many of the arts such as band, choir, and theater require kids to work together. They must share responsibility and compromise to achieve their common goal.Kids learn that their contribution to the group is integral to its succes-even if they don`t have the solo or lead role.

10.ACCOUNTABILITY- Just like collaboration kids in the arts learn that they are accountable for their contribitions to the group. If they drop the ball or mess uo ,they realize that it`s important to take responsibility for what they did. Mistakes are a part of life , and learning to accept them,fix them, and move on will serve kids well as they grow older.


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